There is a reason I haven’t posted lately, and I believe it’s a reason that will meet with your approval: The first draft of the manuscript is coming very close to completion. The promise date1 to my reviewers is January 1, and when I make a promise, I do my very best to keep my word. There is not a whole lot left for me to do before it’s a complete narrative, ready for review.
Now, this first draft is kind of rough, but that’s why you do a first draft. In any event, it’s a coherent story, and as I have worked on the narrative the connections have clicked into place. When this thing is polished up and ready for press, you’ll really be happy, I think.
I hate repeating content, but in the spirit of the season, I’ll refer you to this piece of seasonal reading – which, by the way, still makes dandy Christmastime viewing.
Whatever you celebrate or observe, make it a good one, and please make it a safe one. Don’t endanger yourself or others.