“…take one.”

Several assignments are competing for my attention this coming week, so in lieu of a new post I will instead refer you to this item about Monitor, the weekend radio service NBC launched in 1955.1 In particular, click on that picture of Radio Central and see if you don’t spot someone we particularly love around here.2 (Radio Central and that big window are long gone, alas; when you take the studio elevators to the fifth floor lobby these days, you see a wall flanked by two locked doors. So that picture makes me ache.)

As always, when mention is made of Monitor around here, it’s worth reminding everyone to visit one of my favorite places on the Internet, the wonderful Monitor Beacon website, with its hours upon hours of wonderful listening.

  1. Via the reliably awesome @Bcast_Md Tumblr feed.
  2. Or, really, at least two people we particularly love around here – a communicator and an innovator.