Still here

You may wonder why there was no update last week. I can only attribute that to the exquisite agony of being lower-middle management at my workplace, and in particular to a project that involved outside contractors and a firm start date. And, since my job involves generally being in charge of a lot of things, I was the one caught in the middle. But it got done. Oh, and final exams and so forth were taking place the same time, too, and there was also a negotiation with a third party about a very intriguing alliance that could mean great things. So life didn’t want for action or variety the last week and a half.

With all that going on, there was not much time or available brainpower to think about anything else, especially about beloved master communicators. I intend to change that in the next few days. I also hope to have some interesting news soon, and once I can share that, you’ll read it here. Meanwhile, bear with us and we’ll have something for you soon.