Quick housekeeping notes

If you tried to get on this site in the last 24 hours, you probably got a White Screen of Death. That’s because a plugin pushed an update that didn’t get along with the rest of the website. It is (I hope) contained for now, and I’m running a lot of updates on things, so that should be the last we see of it. Until, of course, another update gets pushed and something breaks. It is all part of life’s rich pageant.

:: I had promised a longer post by now, I know. But some renovation chores at work have eaten my time and brainpower, both on-site and at the house. By the time I’m done spending six hours doing renovation work in the television studio, or six hours in our garage working on the largest furniture construction project in history (in high-90s heat and humidity, no less), my energy – not to mention my enthusiasm for just about anything – is gone. The good news is, on all fronts there is light at the end of the tunnel. So, don’t worry – I am still here, and I’m using some of the calm morning hours to write a little about Garroway in the manuscript, and at some point soon there will be an actual post that’s something beyond all the trivial reasons why I presently don’t write anything more than housekeeping posts and other meta stuff.

:: For the last two years I’ve visited the Mid-Atlantic Nostalgia Convention, and last year even got to co-present a seminar. It’s been a great time each visit, and I’ve enjoyed being there, being with friends, and meeting some nice folks. But this year I won’t be at the convention; some people I had been hoping to be with again won’t be there, a seminar I proposed didn’t make the program, and some rule changes at work would cramp the trip. On top of that, some additional duties I’ll begin in August would probably mean my absence would lead to chaos. It’s probably best for all involved that I stay here. That said, the convention’s still well worth attending if you’re going to be in the Baltimore area in mid-September. I hope all my friends who will be there will have some fun on my behalf. I’ll miss seeing you.