Coming to a bookshelf near you

I’ve made mention a few times of another book project I’ve been working on. It just went on sale, and you can read about it (and order a copy, please!) here. No, the topic isn’t Dave Garroway, or even related to broadcasting at all (although Ed Murrow does make a few appearances), but it’s a story I feel privileged to have told. And if you want an idea of how I’ll tell the Dave Garroway story, you can consider this book sort of a prototype (although the Garroway book will be much larger because I have so much more source material to work from).

Speaking of which, work on that project continues in between day-job obligations, and the draft manuscript is a healthy size, although I expect it to grow even more. I continue to work my way through the newspaper databases, where I constantly find hidden treasures. The only problem is the short supply of time in each day, but I work around that as I can. One way or another, this will get done. Stay tuned.