Holding on the line

I wish I could tell you there were super-exciting reasons why there’s been no posts of late. Instead, the photo of our Dave up above sums it up: a cluttered desk and some sort of business captured in midstream. February has been a diabolical month and the demands on my time and brainpower have been ceaseless, but it’s an occupational hazard in my line of work. It has also involved a lot of getting up way too early and staying too late, and in a weird way those goofy hours have made me feel a kinship with what our Dave went through during his years on Today.

The manuscript’s first draft, however, remains complete (what, you thought I was going to un-complete it, maybe?) and I’m sort of letting it rest until things settle down here. Then I will go through a paper copy of it and do my usual mark-up process before getting into revisions, and once everybody in the process is happy with how things are going I will begin shopping the manuscript. But things here have been so busy that it hardly seems it’s only been two months since that first draft was completed. A lot has happened, and when it’s appropriate I may talk about some of it, but not right now.

I hope to be back with some new content soon, and if things will ease up at work, it may be sooner rather than later. That’s my hope, anyway. Regardless, stay tuned and thank you as always for stopping in.